While it might be early I am going to post this final review while the content is fresh in my mind. Volume six picks up literally seconds after the end of volume five. The various groups going into Akira's base (Olympic Stadium) to confront him and Tetsuo continue onward. From this point, 90% of the story is a very long battle between Tetsuo and Kaneda, Tetsuo and Kei, and the American military and the city of Neo-Tokyo.
The Colonel strikes early on, blasting Tetsuo with Sol. While this only serves to enrage Tetsuo, the American military reveals its own weaponized satellite, called Floyd, which it uses to attack the stadium and Tetsuo. After the massive blast, Tetsuo flies to space and seizes control of Floyd, pushing it with his power toward Earth, and smashing it into the American fleet. Meanwhile what American jets are left have already commenced bombing runs into Neo-Tokyo.
The American special forces troops meet their end at the hands of Akira's followers, despite the American bio-weapons taking out a large group of the followers. Kaneda launches a direct frontal attack on Tetsuo, first using a laser weapon and then using just his fists. As Tetsuo is caught off guard it appears early on that Kaneda is winning, however this soon changes as Tetsuo's power levels are spiking throughout the story. His body
mutates regularly as his power spikes, making him almost uncontrollable. As Kaneda and
Tetsuo battle, Kei appears and begins fighting Tetsuo, working as a vessel for Lady Miyako and the two Espers. Kei takes the initial advantage but once Tetsuo goes to space, the group is separated. Kaneda and Joker come across Akira at one point and take care of him as he keeps muttering things such as "calling me" and others. Akira, determined to go somewhere, walks and Joker and Kaneda follow.
Through the bombing and numerous attacks, Lady Miyako's temple is devastated, leaving only a small handful of people to watch over the Espers and Lady Miyako. Miyako makes it clear to the Espers that her end is coming and that they must watch over Akira. Meanwhile, Tetsuo returns and goes to the chamber which once housed Akira way back in volume two. Akira, Kaneda, and Joker run into Chiyoko and Ryu and the five of them make their way to the chamber as well. The final battle with Tetsuo begins as Kaneda, Chiyoko, and Joker begin firing into the massive body of Tetsuo. Kei is also present but is not faring well. Kaneda is then absorbed into Tetsuo's body and we do not see him again for some time. Akira begins reacting violently in pain as Tetsuo is injured and Ryu takes Akira away from the battle. However, as the two are ascending, Akira appears to be unleashing some outburst of energy when Ryu, out of fear, fires his gun into Akira. Afterward a large metal piece appears to fall onto Ryu, killing him instantly.
Tetsuo escapes the chamber in his bloated mutated form and goes to the temple to attack Mikayo and the Espers. Miyako explains that he is drawn to power sources and as Akira was shot, her and the Espers are the remaining source he is attracted to. Miyako tells the Espers to go to Akira while there is still time and she faces off against Tetsuo. She fends him off for some time but is eventually killed in the process. The two Espers teleport to Akira and find him dying on the elevator platform where Ryu shot him. He seems coherent and when he sees the two Espers, he also begins to see the spirits of long dead children who also were Espers. These spirits are smiling and he is told everyone is waiting for him to join them. Akira seems at last at peace and smiles. The Espers ask him if he can use his power one last time. He says yes.
When Miyako and Tetsuo were battling, Kei was teleported to space where she takes mental control of Sol. She then fires it, a direct blast into Tetsuo. Tetsuo screams in pain and begins to erupt in a blast reminiscent of Akira's two previous blasts. As the blast begins to erupt, a second similar one erupts in the air above Neo-Tokyo, where Akira and the Esper spirits were hovering. This blast appears to pull the energy away from Tetsuo and soon the two merge in the air. At this point we move to Kaneda, who is moving from Tetsuo to the blast put forth by Akira. He begins to experience Tetsuo's perspective, which includes flashbacks from his time in the series and also his first time meeting Kaneda. Kaneda sees just how fragile and sad Tetsuo was in life and feels for his friend. Miyako begins explaining that the Espers and even Tetsuo were just victims of experimentation and that even Akira and Tetsuo were not really evil beings. She explains that evolution is natural and that the Espers were simply the next step (very similar to the X-Men theme). At this point we see the Espers, Akira, and Tetsuo not as villains but as victims of government manipulation. It is one of the more touching points in the series. Kei appears to Kaneda and warns him to get out of the energy transference as fast as he can before he is lost forever. While he struggles, feeling guilty about Tetsuo, he eventually does escape and the blast subsides, leaving the city in ruins, but at peace.
In the final epilogue of the story, a contingent of UN peacekeepers arrives in Neo-Tokyo with tanks, jets, helicopters, and soldiers. They bring relief and medical supplies to the people and begin moving inward to the center of the city. When doing this they are fired upon by Chiyoko and others. Kaneda emerges and orders the soldiers to leave Neo-Tokyo proclaiming that it is a sovereign nation and that it could govern itself, thanking them for the supplies. The soldiers protest but see that the citizens are armed to the teeth. Kaneda proclaims that "Akira lives!" and at this, Kei emerges on a modified motorcycle. As Kei and Kaneda ride off into the distance with others, Kaneda sees the ghostly images of his friend Yamagata (killed in volume one) riding on one side and Tetsuo riding on the other. Kaneda smiles and the riders ride into the rubble which transforms into a glistening cityscape, perhaps giving the reader
a glimpse of the bright future of Neo-Tokyo.
Overall this was a satisfying end to the series. It is a bit chaotic at times but then it feels as though the reader is part of the battle. My only complaint comes in the form of the author not giving us much into the past. We get glimpses but it never fully explains things. It would have been nice to get more of Kaneda and Tetsuo's story to understand why their relationship was so complicated. Or more on the Espers and the work the government did on them. But those are minor gripes for a well-done story that was epic and dramatic. It was deep, tragic, and also offered bits of humor to give the characters a human side that is missing from many comics. The overall hero might have been assumed to be Kaneda but in actuality Kei was the true savior in my book. And a comic that creates both strong, believable male and female characters is thumbs up in my book. In the next entry (next week or later this week) I will look at the movie and see where it works and where it doesn't in relation to the manga. Until then, Akira lives!